
Students did post to this blog site while we conducted our field study. We invite your comments and thoughts.

Our field deployment focused on three chief tasks; 1. Mapping the reef floor in 3D, 2. Shoreline Marine Debris investigation, and 3. Environmental characteristics sampling. All went exceedingly well.

This was the second trip in our long term plans. Our first trip and proof of concept was completed with great success in the Fall of 2009; our next proposed trip will be Fall 2010. Don't you want to join us?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Long Caye Day Four

The day after we arrived I was placed on the Marine Team. We all went out as a team and in two days gathered all of our bathymetry data that was needed to fulfill our assigned block. I very much enjoyed gathering our water samples, and learning to use all of the sensors. We have sucessfully completed our Marine Team days, and are now under way into collecting our shoreline Team data.

Valerie Brenner


  1. I miss you and Hope you have a great time!! I live in Florida now...Miss you a ton!! HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you!

    Love ,

    P.S and Tell Brandon I said Hi too

  2. Sounds great. I am glad you are enjoying it. The cats and the house are fine. TTYS! : )--Tina
