
Students did post to this blog site while we conducted our field study. We invite your comments and thoughts.

Our field deployment focused on three chief tasks; 1. Mapping the reef floor in 3D, 2. Shoreline Marine Debris investigation, and 3. Environmental characteristics sampling. All went exceedingly well.

This was the second trip in our long term plans. Our first trip and proof of concept was completed with great success in the Fall of 2009; our next proposed trip will be Fall 2010. Don't you want to join us?

Friday, June 4, 2010


I went snorkeling again today. It was pretty exciting this time. We were out in the water for about 30 minutes and it seemed that the longer we were in the water, the further away we got from the dock. A couple of my class mates were about 20 feet away from me and I was swimming towards them when they started yelling that there was a shark in the water. We all swam back to the dock while frantically looking over our shoulders. Needless to say, our teachers decided we were done snorkeling for the day. Fortunately nothing happened and even though I never saw the 6 foot shark, which I'm told is just a baby, it was pretty exciting experience.

From Long Caye,
Martin Flores

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